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limeds-framework / Getting Started - Standalone LimeDS Instance

The following steps explain how to install and use a standalone LimeDS instance. We assume you already have the latest Java JRE installed (we recommend JRE 8u101 or newer).

Step 1: Download and install LimeDS

Visit the download page on the LimeDS website to get a hold of the latest LimeDS binary distribution. To install, just extract the archive file to a location on the host machine.

Step 2: Start the framework

Go to the location where you've extracted the LimeDS binary archive. Start the framework by executing ./start on Linux or start.bat on Windows. You should see the following output:


By default the LimeDS instance will bind to port 8080. To modify the port to be used, open the felix-cfg/ file with a text editor and set the org.osgi.service.http.port variable to the desired value.

Step 3: Develop your first Slice using the Visual Editor

A basic tutorial on how to use the Visual Editor to create a basic Slice can be found here.
